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What is the difference between DynamicDocs and ChatGPT?

DynamicDocs operates as a Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) system, meaning it pulls relevant information from a company’s documentation and social channels to generate accurate, context-specific responses. In contrast, ChatGPT is a general-purpose Large Language Model (LLM) that generates responses based solely on its training data without accessing specific external information. DynamicDocs is optimized for answering project-specific questions, making it highly specialized compared to the more broadly focused ChatGPT.

What is a "Tailored Widget Request"?

For Enterprise plan users, DynamicDocs offers a "Tailored Widget Request" feature. Subscribers can submit monthly requests specifying the format and content of a custom app for their widget homepage. The DynamicDocs team will then create this bespoke app, tailored to the user’s needs. For instance, if you manage an NFT project and want a custom app linking directly to OpenSea, you can request it, and the team will develop it exclusively for your use!

Last updated