
We have some exciting features and improvements lined up for DynamicDocs. Here’s what you can look forward to:

Analytics Dashboard (Q3 2024)

In Q3 2024, we will introduce the Analytics Dashboard. This feature will allow you to monitor widget usage effectively. The dashboard will include:

  • Frequently Asked Questions Analytics: Identifies the most frequently asked questions by users.

  • Source Analytics: Highlights which parts of your knowledge base are most critical for answering user queries.

Multi-language Support (Q4 2024)

By Q4 2024, we will roll out enhanced multi-language support. This update will feature an improved UI for switching languages, allowing users to view knowledge base articles in their preferred language seamlessly.

Ticket System (Q4 2024)

Also in Q4 2024, the Ticket System will be launched. This dashboard will consolidate tickets from Discord, Twitter, and the website chatbot, enabling team members to efficiently manage and respond to queries that require personal assistance beyond AI capabilities.

We’re constantly evolving and improving DynamicDocs. As we continue to develop new features and enhancements, we’ll keep this roadmap updated with the latest announcements. Stay tuned for more exciting updates!

Last updated